Friday, June 25, 2010

For My Own Amusement

This blog is simply for my own amusement and musings. Sometimes I have creative bursts that I feel I must put down somewhere. I also love to talk about myself (who doesn't, really?). As a newly licensed social worker, I realize that I will be spending lots of time listening to other people talk, so I figure this is fair. Occasionally I will regale you, one reader, with amusing stories from my life.

I really have no expectations that this blog will be entertainment for anyone other than myself, but I do know that Doug will be my faithful reader. Why, you ask? Because it was in our marriage vows. That's right. Doug promised to love and cherish me, in sickness and in health, and read all my blog entries I ever write til death do we part. I'm sure he would read any I wrote after I died too, because let's face it, that would be fascinating. In return, I promised to feign interest when he's talking about stuff I don't care about, like computers or math. I am also attempting to convince him to be a guest/joint blogger, because couples that blog together stay together. Because communication is important. And stuff.

I also promise to keep the swearing to a minimum as I have multiple family members who used to follow the blog we had on our website while we were in Europe, and I wouldn't want to shock them with my alarmingly sailor-like language. That's for you, Mom. You're welcome.

But first let me explain the name of my blog. This is a carryover from the aforementioned website. One lovely summer day when Doug and I were first dating we were driving across the dam separating my hometown from the town in which we went to college. Near the end of the dam was a squirrel who was very zen - "one with the road." It had been run over so many times that it was literally just a pancake and probably would have had to be scraped off the road with a spatula, or just incinerated with a flame thrower (how awesome would that be?!). A gust of wind happened to blow just when we were noticing the poor unfortunate creature and it lifted its tail in a sad gesture, as if to say hello to and plead for sympathy from the cars passing by. Maybe it wanted people to remember it, perhaps in a blog. It looked approximately like this:

While the plight of Mr. Zen Squirrel was tragic, it was simultaneously awesome and hilarious. Doug and I both cracked up laughing, and it was then that we knew we were meant to be together. True story.

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